Семинар на 28.07.2022 г.


На 28 юли 2022 г. /четвъртък/, от 13:15 ч. в зала 300 на ИЯИЯЕ Петър Данев (ИЯИЯЕ) ще изнесе доклад (продължение) на тема:

"High robustness quantum random walk search algorithm with qudit Householder traversing coin".

This seminar is a continuation of the one given on 18.07.2022. Here, I will present a modification of discrete time quantum random walk search, constructed by qudit Householder traversing coin, making the algorithm extremely robust to inaccuracies in the coin parameters if a proper relation between them is maintained. Optimal functional dependencies and parameter values are derived for walk coin with size up to one qudit with eleven states. By applying deep neural network, we extrapolate the results for walk coin with arbitrary dimension. We show that the modified algorithm has better stability to the variations in the coin parameters in comparison to the original quantum random walk search algorithm.


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