Семинар на 26.07.2018 г.

На 26 юли 2018 г. /четвъртък/ от 13:15 часа в зала 300 на ИЯИЯЕ Иван Костов (Сакле, Франция) ще изнесе семинар на тема:

"QFT derivation of TBA".

The free energy of an integrable field theory defined on a torus with periods L and R can be computed in the limit L>>R by the Thermodynamical Bethe Ansatz (TBA) of Yang and Yang. I will give a field theoretical derivation of TBA based on the representation of the Gaudin measure as an expectation value in certain one-dimensional quantum field theory (QFT) defined in the space of rapidities. This QFT has N=1 supersymmetry, which explains why the TBA integral equation is perturbatively exact.



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