Dimitar Dimitrov Bakalov

Personal Data
Occupations: | Professor, Ph.D., D.Sc. |
Office Address: | Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling in Physics , Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tsarigradsko Chaussee, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria |
Office Phone: | (+3592)9795631 |
Office Fax: | (+3592)9753619 |
E-mail: | Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите. |
Home Phone: | (+3592)9891605 |
mobile phone: | (+359)885902437 |
Birth Date: | 1949 |
Birth Place: | Sofia, Bulgaria |
Citizenship: | Bulgarian |
Professional Data
Long term collaborations
- 2014: Visiting scientist, Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, Toulouse
- 2013: Visiting scientist, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
- 2010-2015: Associato, INFN sezione di Trieste, Italy
- 2009, 2010: Visiting scientist at IRSAMC-CNRS, Toulouse
- 2001-2004: Member of the ASACUSA collaboration at CERN
- 2001: Visiting professor, UPS, Toulouse
- 2000: Visiting scientist at ITAMP, Harvard
- 1999-2000: Senior Fulbright grantee at QTP, Gainesville, USA
- 1991-1997: Associated member of INFN for the PVLAS collaboration
International grants
- 2012-2017: Bilateral grant with IPJ, Krakow, Poland
- 2004-2007: Bilateral grant CNRS-BAS no.16936 with IRSAMC, Toulouse
- 2003-2015: Bilateral grant JINR-INRNE with BLTP, Doubna
- 2001-2003: NATO Grant PST.CLG.978454 with the Université P.Sabatier, Toulouse
- 1996-2000: NSF Grant INT9602189 with the University of Delaware, USA
- 1995-1997: NATO Grant LG950924 with QTP, University of Florida, USA
National grants
- 2008-2012: PI of Grant DO 2-288 with FNI "Nucleon structure"
- 2005-2009: Grant NZ-1414 with FNI
- 2001-2005: PI of Grant Ph-1001 with FNI "Physics of exotic atoms"
- 1996-1999: PI of Grant Ph-507 with FNI "Precision tests of QED in atomic and molecular physics: theory and computational methods"
Scientific Works
- Ph.D.: 1980, BLTP-Doubna, "Relativistic and nuclear structure effects in hydrogen isotope muonic atoms and molecules"
- D.Sc.: 2007, INRNE-Sofia, "Physics of the light exotic atoms and molecules" Thesis
Talks And Lectures at Conferences
- 2014: Workshop on "Fundamental constants in physics", Dubna, December 1-5
- 2014: Int. Conference EXA'2014, Vienna,September 15-19
- 2012: Cargèse International School on QED & Quantum Vacuum ”, France
- 2011: Workshop on "Fundamental constants in physics", Dubna, December 5-10
- 2011: Int. Conference EXA'2011, Vienna,September 5-10
- 2009: Workshop on "Fundamental constants in physics", Dubna, December 4-9
- 2008: Int. Conferences EXA'08 and LEAP'08, Vienna,September 11-18
- 2007: Int. Conference on muon catalyzed fusion and related topics μCF’07, Dubna
- 2006: Int. Conference on Precision physics PSAS’06, Venezia
- 2005: Int. Conference on exotic atoms EXA’2005, Vienna
- 2005: Int. Workshop "QED, quantum vacuum and search for new forces", Les Houches
- 2004: Int. Conference on atomic and molecular physics ECAMP-8, Rennes
- 2004: Int. Conference on atomic and molecular physics ICAP-19, Rio de Janeiro
- 2004: Workshop "Hydrogen-III", Mangaratiba, Brasil
- 2002: Int. Conference on exotic atoms "EXA’2002", Vienna
- 2001: Int. conference on muon catalyzed fusion and related topics "μCF’01", Shimoda, Japan
- 2000: Workshop on QED and physics of the vacuum "QED’2000", Trieste
- 1999: Workshop on antiprotonic physics "Pbar99", Tokyo, Japan
- 1999: Int. Conference "ICPEAC – XXI", Sendai, Japan
- 1998: Int. Conference "LEAP’98", Cagliari
- 1998: Int. Conference "Frontier tests of QED and physics of the vacuum", Sandanski
- 1996: Int. Workshop on physics of exotic atoms, ITAMP, Cambridge, USA
- 1996: Int. Workshop on physics of exotic atoms, "MESH-96", Udine
- 1995: Int. Conference on Muon catalyzed fusion, Dubna, Russia
- 1994: Int. Workshop on physics of exotic atoms and molecules, Erice
- 1992: Int. Conference "Muonic atoms and molecules", Ascona
- 1990: Int. Conference on Muon catalyzed fusion "μCF’90", Vienna
- 1987: Int. Conference on Muon catalyzed fusion, Gatchina
Membership in Advisory boards
- International Workshop on Physics of the fundamental constants, Dubna, Russia, 2014
- International Workshop on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants, Sankt Peterburg, Russia, 2013
- International Workshop on Physics of the fundamental constants, Stara Lesna, Slovaky, 2012
- 2012: Co-organizer of the International school on "QED & Quantum Vacuum, Low Energy Frontier", Cargese
- 2005: Co-organizer of the International Workshop "QED -2005", Les Houches
- 2000: Co-organizer of the International Workshop "QED -2000", Trieste
- 1998: Head of the Organizing committee of the International Conference "Frontier tests of QED", Sandanski
Personal files
Author's copies of paper
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- Thesis