Second Announcement

XXII International School on Nuclear Physics and Applications,
September 10 - 16, 2017 Varna, Bulgaria

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


From INRNE-Sofia:
D. Tonev ( Chairman), S.Dimitrova (Co-chairperson), E.Stefanova (Scientific secretary)
D.Tarpanov, P. Zhivkov, M. Yavahchova



72 Boul. Tzarigradsko chaussee,1784 Sofia, Bulgaria

E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: (+359 2) 974-37-61, Fax: (+359 2) 975-36-19


The International School on Nuclear Physics and Applications is organized by the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and sponsored by the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency. The forthcoming twenty-first edition of the School continues a long series carried out biannually since 1973. The main goal of the School is to stimulate the activity of the nuclear physics community in the region. Colleagues from all over the world attended the previous events and enjoyed the inspiring talks with esteemed members of the nuclear physics community.

The Topics to be discussed are:
Exotic Nuclei and their Properties
Methods of production of light exotic nuclei and study of their properties
Superheavy elements. Synthesis and properties
Rare processes and decays
Radioactive beams. Production and research programmes
Evolution of Shell Structure
Collective Modes of the Nucleus
Nuclear Astrophysics
Applications of Exotic Beams in Materials Research
Current and Future Facilities

The program of the Meeting will include invited talks, oral and poster presentations of contributed papers. It is expected that during the meeting there will be enough time for informal talks at which one can discuss future prospects of joining the efforts of different scientific centers for performing common investigations.

Proceedings of the School will be published in Journal of Physics, Conference series.

The meeting will be held in ****”Grifid Encanto Beach Hotel” which is exactly next to the shore. The hotel is located in the Golden Sands Resort near the city of Varna, which itself is known as the pearl of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. We hope that all participants will enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and the beauty of the Black Sea site.

The conference fees are presented in the table below. The period from the 10th (arrival day) until the 16th (departure day) of September is still active touristic season and the conference fee is of the SUPER ALL INCLUSIVE type. The fee includes accommodation, meal, and social program (welcome reception, conference dinner and excursion, program for accompanying persons). Reduced fees for shorter participation will not be available. Early registration is until June 15th, 2017, Late - August 31th, 2017.


One page abstracts should be prepared using Journal of Physics templates ( and then converted to PDF format for submission on the School’s web site: by 30. May .

Accommodation and transportation

Participants will be lodged in the four stars ”Grifid Encanto Beach Hotel” located in the Golden Sands Resort, 15 km north from the city of Varna. The distance to the Varna airport is about 25 km. The Varna airport is connected by direct flights with many European cities. It is also a destination for many charter flights. Information about the schedules of Sofia and Varna airports can be found on their websites: and . One can book tickets for Sofia-Varna-Sofia flights on the website: . There are also bus and train services connecting Varna and Sofia.


Formal letter of invitation to help with visa applications will be posted upon request by the Organizing committee. It is necessary to send to the Organizing Committee a copy of the first page of the participant’s passport.

All details will be published on the web-page:

The third circular, including the program, will be distributed by the end of August.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Varna!